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Useful links
Useful links
Falcon build tools and material
Falcon build tools and material
Falcon painting
This is an animation, done in Fusion 360, to test the foot of the ramp, which flips down and up when the ramp opens and closes respectively.
This could be a version that works but difficult to motorize at the scale of the Deagostini model. I am not even sure it was motorized in the movie sets.

Falcon hold build & customization
My goal is to reproduce a realistic Falcon hold with a maximum of details to replace the rather simplistic and inaccurate Deagostini hold. My main challenge is the level of details that I need to scratch build. This part is largely inspired by the fantastic job that Jason Keith has done on 3D models and available on Shapeways. I might get 3D prints from Jason Keith for the more complex features of the hold such as the bench.
The details of the build and customization can be found in my blog which is divided into categories for easier access and reading.